
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Ladies of EduPower

Work is not work when you belong to this team, it's a lifestyle.

 On dressy days

we're just as stylishly wacky

 We love blue

and we love to smile
and we love pizza...
Thank you Rizza!


Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween 2012 at EduPower and Abiva

At work and at play, the E-Team is a force to reckon with.

Winding down the week before the long weekend, the E-Team joined in the annual tradition of APHI Halloween Parade.  Dressed in their anime costumes complete with recycled props, the E-Team strutted their stuff.  With not just one but FOUR representatives, EduPower sure showed them how to have fun!

A good laugh keeps the body and mind healthy, during this day a good amount of endorphins and dopamine surely flowed through out our systems and flushed out all stresses and anxieties.   Nothing really beats the natural way of de-stressing--having free wholesome fun and excitement.

Only big smiles and wide-eyed grins can be seen on everybody's face as one by one by the participants paraded in their costumes.  It sure was a great way to start a holiday!
Announcement of the big winners and the trick or treat frenzy that followed capped it all off.

Friday, September 21, 2012

The E-Team

Meet the E-Team, proud members of EduPower Publishing Corporation and spearheading the digital learning and ICT4E division.